Wednesday 5 May 2021

Empire of Sin: Thief class suggestions

"this text I've posted on Empire of Sin, Paradox forums as part of many suggestions. Being a critic is always easier than being a developer. Guilty. " 

It a very strange thing to my mind, that a game about crime, booze and Tommy-guns, does not have a dedicated “property redistribution specialist”. So, here is my take on what kind of skill Thief should have.

Combat skills:

Tier I:

Blend In: Thief remains neutral in combat, until he actually attacks with firearm, or some one uses Mark Target on him, stripping him from this ability. Until then he is counted as neutral civilian. Note: Thief cannot carry rifles, sniper rifles or machine-guns for this ability to be active.

Tier II:

A) Mark Target: (same as in game) mark an enemy, with +20% chance to hit him.

B) Sneak attack: you first attack from neutral state does +100% damage

C) Machine-gun training; Thief can use and equip machine-guns.

Tier III:

A) Rolling carpet: Thief throws a load of ball bearings on 5 tile location to set a trap. Any unit moving in or through that location fall on the ground and loses both of its actions. Trap dissolves after 3 combat turns and is not visible to opponent.

B) This is a Robbery! : Thief fires several shots into the air, setting off a chain reaction with all civilians in the 6 square area: every civilian is set to Panic, run to closest exit or closest Guard. If civilian reached Guard, then he is set Panic as well. Named Gangster and Bosses are not affected.

C) Property redistribution expertise: when ransacking, smashing or demolishing building you just took over, gain +25% more $, than normal. Then add +5% for each Thief's level.

Tier IV:

A) Keen Observation: when on street patrol, assigned as a Mole, or visiting other factions racket, increase chance to spot other hidden rackets by +5%.

B) Hit and Run: after performing an attack, Thief can make a free move.

C) Free money: when visiting opponent's rackets, Thief steals money that belong to the customers, and brings 50% of that “income” to the Boss. If Thief is caught, he must fight his way out or be ransomed by the Boss.

Tier V:

A) Gut shot: (same as in the game); perform a point blank attack that causes Bleeding.

B) Dazzle: any flanking attack from Thief, cause target to become Dazed.

C) Rifle Training: Thief can equip and use rifles.

Non-combat skills:

Tier I:

A) Improved deflection by +5% of any building occupied by Thief. Non-cumulative with other Thieves assigned.

B) Back door exits: racket with assigned Thief have hidden escape routes allowing to flee when attacked. If racket is sacked by police or gangsters, you lose 50% less money than normal.

Tier II:

A) Word of Mouth: when assigned to speakeasy or brothel, Thief has a chance of learning about Thug-occupied building, or planned police raid, or hidden racket. (test? Roll of dice? )

B) Friends in the blue: once a month, Thief may spend $200 to find out a rumour about upcoming a police raid, it target and time.

Tier III:

A) Attentive security: when assigned to a racket, Thief trains local guard how to recognise and counteract other Thieves. Increase security rating by +1, and increase chance of spotting other Thieves by 5% per level.

B) No more bets!: when assigned to casino, Thief generates a random rare or unique item once every week. People do like to place weird bets and pay for them in goods. Item is usually a weapon or small amount of $. (up to $1000)

Tier IV:

A) Document Forger: when assigned to a racket, Thief generates fake documents that allow racket to pass any inspection. If place is raided by the police, then it automatically restored to working order after the raid.

B) Matter of agreements: when assigned to the Safe house, crew take is reduced by 5%, but income from raiding, ran sacking and smashing properties is reduced by 5%.

Tier V:

A) Cross training: when assigned to the Safe house, gangsters may be trained in the Thief combat skills as secondary rank.

B) Thief's angle: when planning Assault or Raid operations from your safe house, Thief can add a Sneak attack options (all members of attacking team start in concealment, inside enemy safe house).